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About the Farm

We are a small research oriented educational farm located in Southwestern Vermont. As the physical embodiment of our parent organizations, UNCFoundation, UNC,  and LiveLifeResources, we share the mission of generating research and learning that is committed to regenerative well being for the self, our community, and the natural world. Our farm house, barns, organic gardens, small vineyard, pastures, hay fields, forests, and ponds create a nurturing environment for both humans and non-human companions. 

What We Do

We conduct research committed to the wellbeing of self, society, and the natural world. Through education, research, and active engagement we promote practices of regenerative well-being. We believe in the transformative power of deep connection and sense of place. We provide a safe and nurturing environment for humans and non-humans to connect deeply, learn, and grow.

Integrative Health and Lifestyle Medicine blended with time honored traditional approaches from the East and the West form the foundation of our approach to research and wellness. 


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Who We Are

Our team is comprised of Integrative Health Practitioners, Artists, Professors, Researchers, Emergency Service professionals, Spiritual Counselors, and more... we are blessed with a wealth of experience in a wide variety of subjects dedicated to human-centric wellness. 


At the farm we get to widen our lens to include our non-human friends. Animals, birds, water dwellers, plant life, wild life, all inhabitants of this little corner of our planet and beyond become part of our mission for regenerative wellness. 

How We Do It

As a small farm, our days are informed by the subtle rhythm of the natural world. Nestled in between the needs of the farm we conduct non-invasive research, facilitating the potential to enhance well-being. Nature-based opportunities for learning and growth are directly related to our research and are enriched by direct animal interactions, expressive arts, mindfulness, meditation, movement, and more.

Additionally, through a facilitated digital platform we continue the opportunity to participate in additional research and experience a nature informed connection outside of the farm setting.   

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